University of Colorado at Boulder
BMP of Oil and Gas Development

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BMP ID: 12066
Title: The name, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) number, storage, containment and disposal method for fracturing chemicals
Text: "13. Chemical Disclosure and Storage... Prior to the bringing of such chemicals onto the property, the Operator shall make available to the City, in table format, the name, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) number, storage, containment and disposal method for such chemicals to be used on the Well Sites, which the City may make available to the public as public records."
Source Publication Name: Amended and Restated Oil and Gas Operator Agreement, City and County of Broomfield and Extraction, 2017; Exhibit B. Best Management Practices for Well Sites and New Wells at Well Sites
Citation Section:
Citation Page: 4
Supplemental Documents:  
Usage Type: Required
Timing: • Production / Operation / Maintenance
Oil / Gas Field:  
Surface Ownership: • Federal
• State
• Private
Mineral Ownership: • Federal
• State
• Private
Primary Contact: City and County of Broomfield
One DesCombes Drive
Broomfield, CO  80020  USA
Phone:(303)438-6300     Alt. Phone:
Fax:     E-mail: 
Alternate Contact: Eric Christ
Extraction Oil and Gas, Inc.
370 17th Street, Suite 5300
Denver, CO  80202  U.S.A.
Phone:     Alt. Phone:
Fax:     E-mail: 
Categories: Land Surface Disturbance
Location: Colorado
Vegetation Types:
• Suburban / urban
General Comments: Local Government - Operator MOU
Cost-Benefit Analysis:
BMP Efficacy:
Date Entered: 2018-02-06 13:07 UTC
Last Updated: 2018-02-13 12:17 UTC