University of Colorado at Boulder
BMP of Oil and Gas Development

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Citation Label: GEN150
Publication Name: Oil and Gas Accountability Project, Best Practices
Publication Type: Website
Section Name: Redesigned pits
Author Name: Earthworks
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Publication Year: 2009
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Annotation: This web page is part of OGAP's "Doing it Right" Best Practices resources. The web page describes V-shaped pits and discusses their potential to help decrease the "footprint" sites. It includes a case study indicating that using these redesigned pits also resulted in financial savings compared to using traditional pit.
Required vs.
Recommended -- OGAP's Best Practices web pages provide "information on technologies and management practices that are being used by industry today", but OGAP has no authority to require any of these practices or technologies.
Ownership: Federal, state and private -- OGAP's "Doing it Right" web pages are targeted to communities and landowners, but the practices that OGAP highlights are being implemented on a variety of land ownership types.