University of Colorado at Boulder
BMP of Oil and Gas Development

Best Practices for Community and Environmental Protection

The first Intermountain BMP Project workshop, sponsored by the Natural Resources Law Center and the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, was held in Rifle Colorado on October 14, 2009 at the Garfield County Fairground for over 170 participants.

Speakers from Federal, state and local governments, the community, industry and environmental consultants, and conservation groups focused presentations and discussion on a greater understanding of what BMPs are appropriate to the western slope of Colorado and how they are integrated into developments.

Participant List
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Indicate "BMP Participant List" in the subject line.


Prior to the main workshop sessions, Williams Production RMT hosted a field trip for almost 60 participants, highlighting their clustered development and centralized fracing in Hayes Gulch and their use of an H&P Flex Rig 280 to drill several wells on a pad in an agricultural community south of Rulison. Following the all day workshop sessions and a participant dinner, CDR Associates facilitated a discussion of Constructive Engagement.

For the workshop agenda, click here. Powerpoint presentations for the following presentations will be linked as soon as they are available (to access, click on the blue titles).

Energy by Design
Dave Gann, The Nature Conservancy
Community-based Processes: Rifle/Silt/Newcastle Community Development Plan
Peggy Utesch, Movin’ Forward Consulting
State Comprehensive Drilling Plans - Colorado Rules, 200 Series
Dave Neslin, COGCC
BMPs in BLM Planning, Leasing and Permitting
Jamie Connell, BLM
Environmentally Friendly Drilling Program
Rich Haut, Houston Advanced Research Center
Intermountain BMP Database and Website
Kathryn Mutz, NRLC
BMPs for Air, Water, Waste & Environmental Health
Kent Kuster, CDPHE
Wildlife BMPs
Dean Riggs and Kim Kaal, CDOW
Protecting Rare Plants
Brian Kurzel, Colorado Natural Areas Program
Stormwater Management Solutions and Philosophy
Kyle N. Schildt, P.E. − LT Environmental, Inc.
Roll Out Roads
Rich Haut, HARC for Charles Dolan, University of Wyoming, Environmentally Friendly Drilling Program
BMPs in a Changing Operational Philosophy
Sean Norris, Chevron MCA
Exploitation of Terrestrial Cyanobacteria for the Rehabilitation of Arid Soils
Timothy Flynn, Primordial Solutions Inc
Topsoil Conservation
Bryan Whiteley, EnCana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc.
Constructive Engagement
Susan Wildau and Chris Moore, CDR Associates


Thanks to all who took time to participate in the field trip and workshop! Our special thanks go to the CU Outreach Office and the Research Partnership to Secure Energy for America for workshop funding, to Petroleum Field Services, LLC who provided coffee and treats, and to Williams Product RMT for hosting the field trip.