Sediment loads are very minor and temporary to the humpback chut and its habitat.
3.1.3 Humpback Chub: "No impacts would occur for humpback chub or their habitat in the Green River relative to potential increased sediment loading from all surface disturbance activities. Based on a soil erosion analysis, project-related disturbance areas only would contribute minimally to background sediment yields, and sediment transport from the majority of the project area (with the exception of the disturbance associated with approximately 50 wells in the extreme southeastern portion of the project area) would be trapped upstream of the Pariette wetlands. As a result, it is anticipated that any related effects on sediment loads would be very minor, temporary, and localized in nature. Potential impacts to the humpback chub and its habitat relative to accidental spills, production water, and water withdrawal would parallel those described for the Colorado pikeminnow."