University of Colorado at Boulder
BMP of Oil and Gas Development

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You are viewing BMP records related to the Collaborative Conservation Strategies for the Lesser Prairie-Chicken and Sand Dune Lizard in New Mexico: Findings and Recommendations of the New Mexico LPC/SDL Working Group publication.

BMP ID Short Title Text of BMP
4520 A variety of techniques may be applied to reduce impacts on oil and gas sites. Mitigating development impacts: "A variety of techniques may be applied to reduce or mitigate impacts of oil and gas activities in active production ...
4505 Agencies must work together and be fully informed III. Recommended Guidelines for New Oil and Gas Leasing in the Sparse and Scattered Population Areas (SSPA): "6. It is important that agencies work ...
4517 All agencies must communicate and work together IV. Recommended Guidelines for New Oil and Gas Leasing in the Isolated Population Area (IPA) / "Carlsbad Area": "6. It is important that agencies ...
4526 All long-term reclamation of mineral extraction should be closely monitored. "Reclamation of abandoned and out-of-production sites is a long-term strategy, directed towards managing the eventual transition from mineral ...
4515 Areas that can function as LPC reserves should be located within suitable habitat areas. IV. Recommended Guidelines for New Oil and Gas Leasing in the Isolated Population Area (IPA) / "Carlsbad Area": "4. Additionally, it is recommended ...
4524 BLM proposes a broad-scale reclamation project for "legacy" sites "The BLM is currently proposing a broad-scale reclamation project for these "legacy" sites in LPC habitat in Eddy, Lea, Chaves, and Roosevelt ...
4459 BLM should impose more stringent management on existing leases Criteria for lifting of lease deferment in suitable and occupied habitat in the PPA: "11. The above guidelines pertain only to new leasing. The right ...
4448 BLM should reevaluate the boundaries of the CMA. I. Recommendations regarding the Roswell Core Management Area: "2. The group recommends that the BLM reevaluate the boundaries of the CMA, expanding ...
4453 Defer new leasing with surface occupancy of federal minerals. Leasing recommendations for habitat categories in the PPA: "5. In areas designated as suitable habitat or as occupied habitat, the group recommends ...
4518 Development may proceed if it has already been leased and continues at the discretion of lease holder and BLM Mitigating development impacts: "In areas that have already been leased, including suitable and occupied habitat, development may proceed at the ...
4447 Existing management policies remain intact. I. Recommendations regarding the Roswell Core Management Area: "1. In the Roswell Core Management Area (CMA), the Working Group recommends that ...
4513 Further habitat suitability analysis should be conducted in the IPA. IV. Recommended Guidelines for New Oil and Gas Leasing in the Isolated Population Area (IPA) / "Carlsbad Area": "2. The group recommends that further ...
4496 Future leasing in occupied habitat would be linked to status of the species and habitat III. Recommended Guidelines for New Oil and Gas Leasing in the Sparse and Scattered Population Areas (SSPA)"3. The above deferments would remain in ...
4514 Future leasing in occupied or other protected habitat would be linked to the status of the species and/or habitat. IV. Recommended Guidelines for New Oil and Gas Leasing in the Isolated Population Area (IPA) / "Carlsbad Area": "3. Any lease deferments as described ...
4449 Guidelines within PPA and outside of/ excluding CMA for lands. II. Recommended Guidelines for New Oil and Gas Leasing in the PPA: "1. All recommended guidelines in this section apply to lands within Primary ...
4522 Individual well plugging is encouraged followed by quick reclamation. Mitigating development impacts: "Individual well plugging at the time of economic depletion should be encouraged, with site and access road ...
4452 Leasing may be deferred where development is in unsuitable habitats. Leasing recommendations for habitat categories in the PPA: "4. Additionally, in keeping with the definitions and item 5 below, leasing may be ...
4450 Leasing recommendations for habitat categories in the PPA. Leasing recommendations for habitat categories in the PPA: "2. The group recommends that areas designated as unsuitable habitat be open for new ...
4523 Long-term planning for restoring LPC population should recognizes the nature of current development. "Long-term planning for increasing and/or restoring LPC populations in New Mexico should recognize the temporary nature of current development ...
4457 New leasing in occupied habit is allowed if given criteria is followed. Criteria for lifting of lease deferment in suitable and occupied habitat in the PPA: "9. The group recommends that new leasing in occupied habitat ...
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