University of Colorado at Boulder
BMP of Oil and Gas Development

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You are viewing BMP records related to the Wyoming Greater Sage Grouse Conservation Plan publication.

BMP ID Short Title Text of BMP
2094 Directional drilling "Where technically and economically feasible, use directional drilling or multiple wells from the same pad."
2090 Dust control "Control dust from roads and other surface disturbances within the population's seasonal habitats."
2097 Fence design "Where necessary to build or maintain fences, evaluate whether increased visibility, alternate location, or different fence design will reduce ...
2091 Mitigation: Off-Site "Consider off-site mitigation as an alternative mitigation for mineral development impacts on known sage-grouse habitat. Work with mineral entities ...
2098 No surface disturbance or occupancy near lek "Avoid surface disturbance or occupancy on or within 1/4 mile of known active lek sites."
2088 Noise reduction requirements "Reduce noise from industrial development or traffic especially in breeding and brood-rearing habitats."
2095 Predator prevention "Where facilities are developed within sage-grouse habitat, minimize potential use by predators."
2099 Raptor perch prevention "Avoid construction of overhead lines and other perch sites in occupied sage-grouse habitat. Where these structures must be built, or presently ...
2092 Timing restrictions on drilling near lek "As a general rule, do not drill or permit new or expand existing sand and gravel activities within two miles of active leks between March 15 and ...
2100 Timing restrictions on human activity "Where sage-grouse are present or desired avoid human activity adjacent to leks during the breeding season between the hours of 8 p.m. and 8 a.m."
2096 Travel management plan "Consider developing travel management plans that would allow seasonal closure of roads for all but permitted uses (i.e. recreation and hunting) and ...
2089 Water depletion "Avoid surface and sub-surface water depletion that impacts sage-grouse habitats."
2093 Well spacing and location "Evaluate well spacing and location requirements under Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Commission jurisdiction in light of sage-grouse habitat needs ...
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