University of Colorado at Boulder
BMP of Oil and Gas Development

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You are viewing BMP records related to the Recommended Best Management Practices for Plants of Concern: Practices Developed to Reduce the Impacts of Oil and Gas Development Activities to Plants of Concern publication.

BMP ID Short Title Text of BMP
5287 A botanical expert must be on site when vegetation is cleared Project Implementation Phase: "3. Ensure that a botanical expert is on site when clearing of vegetation occurs in the vicinity of plant species of ...
5272 Alteration/disturbance of the hydrological setting for plants are discouraged Project Planning Phase: "13... Some examples of appropriate and creative project planning include: Alteration and disturbance of the hydrological ...
5277 Avoid indirect impacts from water management Project Planning Phase: "13... Some examples of appropriate and creative project planning include: Indirect impacts from water management should be ...
300 Avoid/mitigate impacts to riparian-wetland areas 3.2 Federally Threatened: 3.2.1 Bald Eagle: "1. Avoid or mitigate the impact of surface-disturbing activities on riparian-wetland areas. Riparian ...
293 Bare sites should be seeded with native plant species as soon as appropriate. Management of Revegetation and Invasive Plants: "7. When timely natural regeneration of the native plant community is not likely to occur, carefully ...
5263 Build roads to the appropriate standard Project Planning Phase: "13... Some examples of appropriate and creative project planning include: Build roads to the appropriate standard, no higher ...
5293 Close and rehabilitate roads once they are no longer needed. Management of Revegetation and Invasive Plants: "6. Close and rehabilitate roads quickly once they are no longer needed."
5294 Close and rehabilitate roads once they are no longer needed. Management of Revegetation and Invasive Plants: "6. Close and rehabilitate roads quickly once they are no longer needed."
269 Conduct Field Surveys for the Plants of Concern Project Planning Phase: "2. If plants of concern (Table 1) are known from the vicinity of potential project areas or suitable habitat is present ...
280 Conduct surveys when plant species can be accurately identified Pre-Ground Disturbance Fieldwork Phase: 3. Field botanical surveys should be conducted at a time when the plant species of concern can be detected ...
5261 Construct the smallest well pads and access needed Project Planning Phase: "13... Some examples of appropriate and creative project planning include: Construct the smallest well pads and access needed ...
5282 Construction should take place down slope of plants of concern Project Planning Phase: "13... Some examples of appropriate and creative project planning include: Construction should take place down slope of ...
295 Consult experts to develop an appropriate seed list Management of Revegetation and Invasive Plants: "8. Selection of appropriate species for revegetation is site-specific and seed recommendations are ...
271 Consult with the Fish and Wildlife Service if threatened or endangered plant species occur in a project area Project Planning Phase: "4. If federally listed Threatened or Endangered plant species occur in a project area on federal lands, consultation with ...
286 Control Erosion and polluted runoff Project Implementation Phase: "Control erosion and polluted runoff in areas that would impact plants of concern."
274 Create a 200m avoidance buffer zone where plants of concern are found Project Planning Phase: "7. Where plants of concern (Table 1) occur in a project area, an avoidance buffer of 200 meters minimum is recommended. The ...
5257 Develop monitoring plans for plants of concern, revegetation efforts and noxious weed management Project Planning Phase: "12. Begin the development of monitoring plans for the plants of concern, revegetation efforts and noxious weed management ...
303 Developing Monitoring Plans Post-Project Monitoring Phase: "4. Develop and implement monitoring plans for noxious weeds, especially in revegetation areas. Plans should be ...
5267 Do not apply fire retardant chemicals to plants of concern Project Planning Phase: "13... Some examples of appropriate and creative project planning include: Fire retardant chemicals should not be applied to ...
284 Document and map Colorado A and B list noxious weeds Pre-Ground Disturbance Fieldwork Phase: "7. Document and map Colorado A and B list noxious weeds for later treatment (Colorado Noxious Weed Act ...
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