University of Colorado at Boulder
BMP of Oil and Gas Development

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You are viewing BMP records related to the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the Pinedale Anticline Oil and Gas Exploration and Development Project, Chapter 4: Environmental Consequences publication.

BMP ID Short Title Text of BMP
925 Avoid disturbing suitable habitat for black-footed ferrets. "Avoid disturbance to prairie dog colonies that meet criteria as a suitable habitat for black-footed ferrets."
154 Avoid locating new well pads near perennial streams, riparian areas or wetlands 4.18.2 Impacts Considered in the PAPA DEIS: "locations of new well pads would be avoided within 500 feet of perennial streams, riparian areas, or ...
166 Avoid pipeline crossings and surface disturbing activities through ephemeral drainages and big sagebrush "Wildlife and Aquatic Resources Mitigation Measure 8. Pipeline crossings and surface disturbing activities through ephemeral drainages and in basin ...
155 Avoid placing well pads near 100 year floodplains 4.18.2 Impacts Considered in the PAPA DEIS: "avoid placement of well pads within 100-year flood plains;"
926 Conduct surveys for black-footed ferrets "If [prairie dog] colonies cannot be avoided, conduct surveys for black-footed ferrets."
165 Create fund incentives to assist landowners in constructing wildlife friendly fencing "Wildlife and Aquatic Resources Mitigation Measure 7. Willing participants could create and fund incentives to assist landowners in ...
157 During construction in wetlands, segregate hydric topsoil from spoil Pipeline Corridors and Gas Sales Pipelines: "Construction techniques within wetlands would include segregation of hydric topsoil from spoil during ...
924 Examine construction sites for presence of prairie dog colonies "Examine construction sites prior to surface disturbance for presence of prairie dog colonies"
927 If black-footed ferrets are detected, reinitiate Section 7 review with the USFWS "If black-footed ferrets or signs are detected during surveys, immediately stop all actions that may affect black-footed ferrets and reinitiate ...
159 Install liquids gathering system and use throughout the PAPA "Wildlife and Aquatic Resources Mitigation Measure 1. The liquids gathering system could be installed and used throughout the PAPA [Pinedale ...
160 Limit access during winter "Wildlife and Aquatic Resources Mitigation Measure 2. Access during winter could be limited to either the Boulder South Road or South Anticline Road."
156 Minimize Impacts to river, wetlands and riparian habitats by using HDD construction techniques Pipeline Corridors and Gas Sales Pipelines: "Impacts to the river, wetlands within the flood plain, and riparian habitats would be minimized by the ...
158 Operators must restore and maintain functional riparian habitat "Threatened, Endangered, and Special Status Species Mitigation Measure 1. BLM could require Operators to restore and maintain functional riparian ...
164 Provide outreach and incentives to private landowners to conserve wildlife "Wildlife and Aquatic Resources Mitigation Measure 6. BLM, Operators, and other willing participants could provide outreach and incentives to private ...
163 Require operators to enhance or rehabilitate wildlife habitat "Wildlife and Aquatic Resources Mitigation Measure 5. BLM could require Operators to enhance or rehabilitate wildlife habitat that was important and ...
161 Require operators to use computer-assisted monitoring at all producing well locations "Wildlife and Aquatic Resources Mitigation Measure 3. Operators could be required to use computer-assisted monitoring at all producing well locations ...
162 Require the use of scientific peer-reviewed papers for mitigation decisions for wildlife "Wildlife and Aquatic Resources Mitigation Measure 4. BLM could require the use of scientific peer-reviewed papers for mitigation decisions for ...
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