Short Title |
Text of BMP |
925 |
Avoid disturbing suitable habitat for black-footed ferrets. |
"Avoid disturbance to prairie dog colonies that meet criteria as a suitable habitat for black-footed ferrets." |
154 |
Avoid locating new well pads near perennial streams, riparian areas or wetlands |
4.18.2 Impacts Considered in the PAPA DEIS: "locations of new well pads would be avoided within 500 feet of perennial streams, riparian areas, or ... |
166 |
Avoid pipeline crossings and surface disturbing activities through ephemeral drainages and big sagebrush |
"Wildlife and Aquatic Resources Mitigation Measure 8. Pipeline crossings and surface disturbing activities through ephemeral drainages and in basin ... |
155 |
Avoid placing well pads near 100 year floodplains |
4.18.2 Impacts Considered in the PAPA DEIS: "avoid placement of well pads within 100-year flood plains;" |
926 |
Conduct surveys for black-footed ferrets |
"If [prairie dog] colonies cannot be avoided, conduct surveys for black-footed ferrets." |
165 |
Create fund incentives to assist landowners in constructing wildlife friendly fencing |
"Wildlife and Aquatic Resources Mitigation Measure 7. Willing participants could create and fund incentives to assist landowners in ... |
157 |
During construction in wetlands, segregate hydric topsoil from spoil |
Pipeline Corridors and Gas Sales Pipelines: "Construction techniques within wetlands would include segregation of hydric topsoil from spoil during ... |
924 |
Examine construction sites for presence of prairie dog colonies |
"Examine construction sites prior to surface disturbance for presence of prairie dog colonies" |
927 |
If black-footed ferrets are detected, reinitiate Section 7 review with the USFWS |
"If black-footed ferrets or signs are detected during surveys, immediately stop all actions that may affect black-footed ferrets and reinitiate ... |
159 |
Install liquids gathering system and use throughout the PAPA |
"Wildlife and Aquatic Resources Mitigation Measure 1. The liquids gathering system could be installed and used throughout the PAPA [Pinedale ... |
160 |
Limit access during winter |
"Wildlife and Aquatic Resources Mitigation Measure 2. Access during winter could be limited to either the Boulder South Road or South Anticline Road." |
156 |
Minimize Impacts to river, wetlands and riparian habitats by using HDD construction techniques |
Pipeline Corridors and Gas Sales Pipelines: "Impacts to the river, wetlands within the flood plain, and riparian habitats would be minimized by the ... |
158 |
Operators must restore and maintain functional riparian habitat |
"Threatened, Endangered, and Special Status Species Mitigation Measure 1. BLM could require Operators to restore and maintain functional riparian ... |
164 |
Provide outreach and incentives to private landowners to conserve wildlife |
"Wildlife and Aquatic Resources Mitigation Measure 6. BLM, Operators, and other willing participants could provide outreach and incentives to private ... |
163 |
Require operators to enhance or rehabilitate wildlife habitat |
"Wildlife and Aquatic Resources Mitigation Measure 5. BLM could require Operators to enhance or rehabilitate wildlife habitat that was important and ... |
161 |
Require operators to use computer-assisted monitoring at all producing well locations |
"Wildlife and Aquatic Resources Mitigation Measure 3. Operators could be required to use computer-assisted monitoring at all producing well locations ... |
162 |
Require the use of scientific peer-reviewed papers for mitigation decisions for wildlife |
"Wildlife and Aquatic Resources Mitigation Measure 4. BLM could require the use of scientific peer-reviewed papers for mitigation decisions for ... |