University of Colorado at Boulder
BMP of Oil and Gas Development

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You are viewing BMP records related to the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, Practice and Procedure, 2 CCR 404-1, Final Draft Rules 11 07 08, 100-SERIES DEFINITIONS publication.

BMP ID Short Title Text of BMP
2436 BMPs are practices to reduce impacts caused by oil and gas operations. "'Best management practices'(BMPs) are practices that are designed to prevent or reduce impacts caused by oil and gas operations to air, water, soil, ...
2439 Classified Water Supply Segment are surface waters that are suitable for potable water supplies. "'Classified water supply segment' shall mean perennial or intermittent streams, which are surface waters classified as being suitable or intended to ...
2440 Compliance Checklist includes all conditions that indicate compliance with regulatory requirements. "'Compliance checklist' shall mean a checklist of actions taken or on-site conditions that indicate compliance with specific regulatory requirements ...
2441 Comprehensive Drilling Plan is created to cover future oil and gas operations. "'Comprehensive Drilling Plan' shall mean a plan created by one or more operator(s) covering future oil and gas operations in a defined geographic ...
2375 Cornering and contigous units encroach upon setbacks. "Cornering and Contiguous Units: When used in reference to an exception location shall mean those lands which make up the unit(s) immediately ...
2442 Designated Outside Activity Areas determines a well-defined outside area. "'Designated outside activity areas' shall mean a well-defined outside area (such as a playground, recreation area, outdoor theater, or other place ...
2443 Education Facility entails any building used for legally allowed educational purposes. "'Educational facility' shall mean any building used for legally allowed educational purposes for more than twelve (12) hours per week for more than ...
2444 High density area where tract of land is determined by Rule 603.b. "'High density area' shall mean any tract of land determined to be a high density area in accordance with Rule 603.b."
2445 Intervenor is the local government, which intervenes on behalf of safety, health, and welfare concerns. "'Intervenor' shall mean a local government, or the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment intervening solely to raise environmental or ...
2446 Minimize adverse impacts means to avoid impacts on wildlife and environment from oil and gas operations. "'Minimize adverse impacts' shall mean, wherever reasonably practicable, to avoid adverse impacts to wildlife resources or significant adverse ...
2447 Minimize erosion means to implements BMPs that are site-specific and reduce erosion. "'Minimize erosion' shall mean implementing best management practices that are selected based on site-specific conditions and maintained to reduce ...
2449 Minimize erosion means to implements BMPs that are site-specific and reduce erosion. (copy) new text
2448 Mitigation takes measure which compensate for adverse impacts of resources. "'Mitigation' with respect to wildlife resources shall mean measures that compensate for adverse impacts to such resources, including, as ...
2450 Non-crop land means all land not defined as crop land. "'Non-crop land' shall mean all lands which are not defined as crop land, including range land."
2451 Oil and gas operations means the exploration for oil and gas. "'Oil and gas operations' means exploration for oil and gas, including the conduct of seismic operations and the drilling of test bores; the siting, ...
2452 Ordinary high-water line is the line that water impresses on the land distinguishing the area below the line from that above it. "'Ordinary high-water line' shall mean the line that water impresses on the land by covering it for sufficient periods to cause physical ...
2453 Plugging and abandonment means the cementing of the well and reclamation of the wellsite. "'Plugging and abandonment' shall mean the cementing of a well, the removal of its associated production facilities, the removal or abandonment ...
2454 Reclamation is the process of returning or restoring the surface of disturbed land to its original state. "'Reclamation' shall mean the process of returning or restoring the surface of disturbed land as nearly as practicable to its condition prior to the ...
2455 Reference area means an area owned by a person who agrees to allow periodic access to Director for reclamation standards. "'Reference area' shall mean an area either (1) on a portion of the site that will not be disturbed by oil and gas operations, if that is the desired ...
2456 Restricted surface occupancy area examples "'Restricted surface occupancy area' shall mean the following: rocky mountain bighorn sheep production areas; desert bighorn sheep production areas; ...
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