University of Colorado at Boulder
BMP of Oil and Gas Development

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You are viewing BMP records related to the Oil and Gas Accountability Project, Best Practices, Minimizing Waste publication.

BMP ID Short Title Text of BMP
6298 If feasible, use slim hole drilling "Process or procedural modifications. For example, in the past few years the drilling industry has improved the technology of slim hole drilling. If ...
6301 Recycle or reuse the waste drilling fluid "Recycling. For example, the cost of closing a drilling site is increased if waste drilling fluid in a reserve pit must be dewatered and/or ...
6299 Reduce water use "Reduction in water use. For example, companies can reclaim water from waste drilling fluids by using mechanical or chemical separation techniques ...
6297 Replacing toxic conventional products with less toxic substitutes "Product substitution. Replacing conventional, toxic products with less toxic, yet effective, substitutes. For example, companies are substituting ...
6300 Use preventative maintenance "Preventative maintenance. For example, chemicals and materials should be stored so that they are not in contact with the ground (e.g., stored on ...
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