University of Colorado at Boulder
BMP of Oil and Gas Development

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You are viewing BMP records related to the Price Field Office: Record of Decision and Approved Resource Management Plan, Price Appendices publication.

BMP ID Short Title Text of BMP
6762 Avoid placement of production facilities on hilltops and ridgelines "Avoid[] placement of production facilities on hilltops and ridgelines."
6764 Bioremediate oil field wastes and spills "Bioremediat[e] oil field wastes and spills..."
6757 Centralize production facilities "In developing oil and gas fields, all production facilities may be centralized to avoid tanks and associated facilities on each well pad where ...
7449 Cultural resource inventories required prior to any actions resulting in direct or indirect impact "All areas: Cultural resources inventories (including point, area, and linear features) would be required for allfederal undertakings that could ...
7440 Desert and Rocky Mountain Bighorn sheep lambing areas closed seasonally "Desert bighorn sheep and Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep crucial yearlong habitat: April 15 to June 15: Desert bighorn sheep and Rocky Mountain bighorn ...
7450 Fossil resource assessment required before and/or during surface disturbance "All areas: An assessment of fossil resources would be required on a case-by-case basis, mitigating as necessary before and/or during surface ...
6745 Group facilities on pads for maximum interim reclamation "Facilities will be grouped on the pads to allow for maximum interim reclamation. Interim reclamation will include road cuts and fills and will ...
7446 High-country watershed areas closed (Dec 1-Apr 15) "Areas above 7,000 feet in elevation: December 1 to April 15: High-country watershed areas would be closed seasonally."
6753 Install raptor perch avoidance devices on powerlines "Raptor perch avoidance devices will be installed on all new powerlines and existing lines that present a potential hazard to raptors."
6746 Interim reclamation to include road cuts, fills, and occur close to well "Interim reclamation will include road cuts and fills and will extend to within close proximity of the wellhead and production facilities."
6744 Interim reclamation will begin as soon as practicable "Interim reclamation of the well and access road will begin as soon as practicable after a well is placed in production."
6758 Locate multiple wells on a single pad "Multiple wells will be drilled from a single well pad wherever feasible."
6756 Locate power near or under roads "All powerlines to individual well locations (excluding major power source lines to the operating oil or gas field) and all flow lines will be buried ...
7721 Maintain buffer around American kestrel nests during nesting season Species, American kestrel: Spatial Buffer (miles), [not determined; see comments]; Seasonal Buffer, 4/1-8/15
7652 Maintain buffer around Bald Eagle nests during nesting season Species, Bald eagle: Spatial Buffer (miles), 1.0; Seasonal Buffer, 1/1-8/31
7726 Maintain buffer around Boreal owl nests during nesting season Species, Boreal owl: Spatial Buffer (miles), 0.25; Seasonal Buffer, 2/1-7/31
7731 Maintain buffer around Burrowing owl nests during nesting season Species, Burrowing owl: Spatial Buffer (miles), 0.25; Seasonal Buffer, 3/1-8/31
7701 Maintain buffer around California condor nests during nesting season Species, California condor: Spatial Buffer (miles), 1.0; Seasonal Buffer, [not determined]
7756 Maintain buffer around Common Barn-owl nests during nesting season Species, Common Barn-owl: Spatial Buffer (miles), [not determined; see comments]; Seasonal Buffer, 23/1-8/15
7671 Maintain buffer around Cooper's hawk nests during nesting season Species, Cooper's Hawk: Spatial Buffer (miles), 0.5; Seasonal Buffer, 3/15-8/31
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