Short Title |
Text of BMP |
6780 |
Avoid placement of production facilities on hilltops and ridgelines |
"Avoid[] placement of production facilities on hilltops and ridgelines." |
6788 |
Bioremediate oil field wastes and spills |
"Bioremediat[e] oil field wastes and spills..." |
6782 |
Centralize production facilities |
"In developing oil and gas fields, all production facilities may be centralized to avoid tanks and associated facilities on each well pad where ... |
6781 |
Install raptor perch avoidance devices on powerlines |
"Raptor perch avoidance devices will be installed on all new powerlines and existing lines that present a potential hazard to raptors." |
6783 |
Locate multiple wells on a single pad |
"Multiple wells will be drilled from a single well pad wherever feasible." |
6787 |
Monitor the effects of oil and gas development on wildlife |
"Monito[r] of wildlife to evaluate the effects of oil and gas development." |
6785 |
Noise reduction techniques will be used to reduce noise from compressors |
"Noise reduction techniques and designs will be used to reduce noise from compressors or other motorized equipment." |
6779 |
Recounter disturbed areas during reclamation |
"Final reclamation of all oil and gas disturbance will involve recontouring of all disturbed areas, including access roads, to the original contour ... |
6778 |
Return eroded roads to BLM standards |
"Existing oil and gas roads that are in eroded condition or contribute to other resource concerns will be brought to BLM standards within a ... |
6784 |
Screen facilities from view |
"Screen[] facilities from view." |
6786 |
Seasonal vehicular restrictions when there are wildlife or road maintenance issues |
"Seasonal restrictions on public vehicular access will be evaluated where there are wildlife conflict or road damage/maintenance issues." |