University of Colorado at Boulder
BMP of Oil and Gas Development

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You are viewing BMP records related to the Federal Lands Analysis Natural Gas Assessment: Southern Wyoming and Northwestern Colorado, Study Methodology and Results publication.

BMP ID Short Title Text of BMP
175 Activities associated with oil and gas exploration and development are restricted to outside the riparian vegetation zone. "For the protection of perennial water impoundments and streams, and/or riparian/wetland vegetation zones, activities associated with oil and gas ...
3073 Authorized Officer must approve all reclamation plans in advance "Fragile Soils-All reclamation plans would be approved by the Authorized Officer in advance and might require an increase in the bond."
3085 Avoid prairie dog colonies during specific times "Black-footed ferret-c. Petroleum development in or near prairie dog colonies occupied by ferrets through recovery efforts should avoid, whenever ...
3072 Begin reclamation before November 1 each year "Fragile Soils-Reclamation of disturbed surfaces would be initiated before November 1 each year."
3165 BMPs required to protect cutthroat trout habitat "CSU - BMPs are required to protect known and suspected Colorado River Cutthroat Trout habitat. Surveys to identify remnant populations of the trout ...
3164 BMPs required to protect sensitive watersheds "CSU - Best management practices (BMPs) are required to protect resource (sensitive watersheds).Zones: 1, 2, 3, and 4."
3069 Build new permanent roads to BLM standards "Fragile Soils-All new permanent roads would be built to meet primary road standards (BLM standards) and their location approved by the Authorized ...
3145 Consider cultural, historical, or paleontological resources in lease notice "Consider whether a special lease notice or stipulation is needed: cultural, historical, or paleontological resources. Are there any special concerns ...
3149 Consider national landmarks in lease notice "Consider whether a special lease notice or stipulation is needed in order to preserve the integrity of the landmark: Special areas (National ...
3146 Consider national scenic byways in lease notice "Consider whether a special lease notice or stipulation is needed. Consider with any adjoining unit or other agencies to document management needs ...
3144 Consider old growth forest stands in lease notice "Consider whether the Lease Notice for Old Growth Stands needs to be required for this parcel."
3143 Consider sensitive species in lease notice "Consider whether the Lease Notice for Sensitive Species needs to be required for this parcel. Identify the species of concern on the notice."
3142 Consider threatened and endangered species in lease notice "Consider whether the Lease Notice for Threatened and Endangered Species needs to be required for this parcel. Identify the species of concern on the ...
3148 Consider visual quality in lease notice "Consider whether a special lease notice or stipulation is needed: Other visual quality concerns-Are there any concerns that are not addressed?"
3147 Consider visual quality in lease notice "Consider whether a special lease notice or stipulation is needed. Consider with any adjoining unit or other agencies to document management needs ...
3150 Consider wild and scenic rivers in lease notice "Consider whether a special lease notice or stipulation is needed: Wild and scenic rivers-Does the parcel contain water courses eligible for ...
3163 Constrolled surface use to meet visual quality objectives "CSU - Modification to siting and design of development activities in order to meet the visual quality objectives. Zones: 1, 2, 3, and 4."
3099 Controlled surface use in 100 year floodplain "Controlled surface use stipulation-Surface occupancy or use within HUD designated Zone A (100 Year) flood hazard areas not protected by NSO will be ...
3155 Controlled surface use in alpine environments "CSU for alpine environments. Zones: 2 and 3."
3187 Controlled surface use in riparian areas "Controlled surface use in riparian areas."
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