University of Colorado at Boulder
BMP of Oil and Gas Development

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You are viewing BMP records related to the Memorandum of Understanding Among Bureau of Land Management, Colorado State office, U.S. Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Region, and Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission Concerning Oil and Gas Permitting on BLM and NFS Lands in Colorado, 2008 publication.

BMP ID Short Title Text of BMP
9732 Advise operators "The Parties will advise operators that they are responsible for complying with all applicable laws and regulations, including the COGCC Rules."
9734 Advise operators to identify and incorporate applicable standards and practices "2. Permitting a. Pre-Application for Federal APD or MDP The Parties will advise operators to identify and incorporate applicable standards and ...
9735 Advise operators to identify and incorporate applicable standards and practices "2. Permitting a. Pre-Application for Federal APD or MDP The Parties will advise operators to provide the BLM, and USFS for operations on NFS ...
9733 List of contacts "1. Contacts The Parties will compile and make available a list of contacts for purposes of consultation and coordination under this MOU."
9736 List of State Consultation Contacts "2. Permitting a. Pre-Application for Federal APD or MDP The BLM, or USFS for operations on NFS lands, will furnish the list of State Consultation ...
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