University of Colorado at Boulder
BMP of Oil and Gas Development

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BMP ID: 5729
Title: Developed recreation sites within the ACEC will be closed to grazing and surface-disturbing activities.
Text: RECREATION: "PW25 — Developed recreation sites within the ACEC will be closed to grazing and surface-disturbing activities not directly related to recreation development. [There is a NSO stipulation that says NSO is allowed unless waivers, exceptions, or modifications to these limitations are specifically approved in writing by an authorized officer of the BLM if either the resource values change or the lessee/operator demonstrates that adverse impacts can be mitigated.]"
Source Publication Name: Final Environmental Impact Statement and Record of Decision Castle Peak and Eightmile Flat Oil and Gas Expansion Project Newfield Rocky Mountains Inc.
Citation Section: Table 1 Project Implementation and Conditions of Approval for the Castle Peak and Eightmile Flat Oil and Gas Expansion Project
Citation Page: 27
Supplemental Documents:  
Usage Type: Required
Timing: • Construction / Siting / Design
• Drilling
• Production / Operation / Maintenance
Oil / Gas Field: Castle Peak, Eightmile Flat, Monument Butte-Myton Bench
Surface Ownership: • Federal
Mineral Ownership: • Federal
Primary Contact: BLM - Vernal Field Office
170 South 500 East
Vernal, Utah  84078  United States
Phone:(435) 781-4400     Alt. Phone:
Fax:(435) 781-4410
Alternate Contact:  
Categories: Grazing and Agriculture
Land Surface Disturbance
Location: Utah
Vegetation Types:
General Comments:
Cost-Benefit Analysis:
BMP Efficacy:
Date Entered: 2009-06-17 13:58 UTC
Last Updated: 2009-06-17 13:58 UTC