University of Colorado at Boulder
BMP of Oil and Gas Development

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Citation Label: CO001
Publication Name: Colorado Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Plan
Publication Type: Report
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Author Name: Colorado Division of Wildlife
Other Authors: BLM, USFS, USFWS, NRCS
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Publication Year: 2007
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Annotation: This conservation plan identifies current threats to the greater sage-grouse and their habitats in Colorado and suggests management practices for its conservation. The plan’s major goal is to facilitate the recovery of the species and remove it from the state’s “Species of Concern” list.
Required vs.
Recommended BMPs: “Managers should consult and implement appropriate strategies within this plan, and then should also read and apply strategies within the applicable local plan(s). In some cases, more detail will be offered by the local plans, and in other cases, this plan will be more specific. This approach will assure that both statewide issues and local conditions are recognized and addressed. Please refer to the goals of the CCP (pg. 9): this “Conservation Strategy” is designed to directly target most items on that list.” Pg. 306 (pg 1)
Ownership: Ownership: Federal, State, and Private on a voluntary basis “Also note that there are 3 general situations that may occur in energy development, regarding land ownership and mineral development rights ownership (mineral estate): (1) federal land, federal estate; (2) “split-estate” where mineral and surface ownership are different (e.g., private land, federal mineral); and (3) non-federal land (e.g., private, state), non-federal estate. Ultimately, it would be best if all appropriate strategies were adopted across all 3 of these scenarios, but application on private estate is applied only on a voluntary basis.” Pg. 314 (pg. 9)