University of Colorado at Boulder
BMP of Oil and Gas Development

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Citation Label: NM01
Publication Name: Doing It Right: Best Oil & Gas Development Practices for New Mexico
Publication Type: Unspecified
Section Name:
Author Name: Amigos Bravos
Other Authors: A Slash Cattle Company, Blancett Ranches, City of Lovington, Coalition for Clean Affordable Energy, ConservAmerica, Creative Commotion, Kern Ranch, Maxwell Coop. Water Users, Natural Resources Defense Council, New Mexico Environmental Law Center, New Mexi
Contractor Name:
Publication Year: 2004
Publication No.:
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Local Source File: NM01-NMDoingItRight.pdf
Annotation: This document suggests wildlife and non-wildlife BMPs for oil and gas in New Mexico. It calls for strengthening and enforcing existing laws while protecting the public interest.
Required vs.
Recommended -- This NGO has no authority to require management practices. "Where oil and gas is developed, “doing it right” also means that the best oilfield practices must be pursued."
Ownership: Federal, State, Private: “We support “doing it right:” responsible energy development that protects water, the environment, private property owners, sacred sites and public lands while enabling energy production.” Pg. 1