University of Colorado at Boulder
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Citation Label: WY027
Publication Name: Off-Site Mitigation Strategic Goals
Publication Type: Report
Section Name:
Author Name: Jonah Interagency Mitigation and Reclamation Office
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Publication Year: 2007
Publication No.:
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Local Source File: WY027-JonahInfillOffSite_Mitigation_Strategy.pdf
Annotation: This document provides specific off-site mitigation goals of the Jonah Interagency Mitigation and Reclamation Office (JIO), the objectives of those goals, and in some cases potential strategies that could be employed to reach them. The purpose of establishing these goals is two-fold; first, they define what the JIO hopes to attain in terms of overall mitigation of impacts identified in the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) and second, they provide a basis for evaluating widely diverse mitigation projects during the selection process. Potential project ideas are included to further clarify JIO objectives. Of those impacts identified in the FEIS analysis, wildlife, air quality, cultural/paleontological and land use (livestock grazing and recreation) contain the most viable opportunities for off-site mitigation projects. Goals, objectives and strategies for each of these resources are addressed.
Required vs.
Recommended: “This document provides guidance to potential project proponents by publicizing specific off-site mitigation goals of the JIO, the objectives of those goals, and in some cases potential strategies that could be employed to reach them. The purpose of establishing these goals is two-fold; first, they define what the JIO hopes to attain in terms of overall mitigation of impacts identified in the FEIS and second, they provide a basis for evaluating widely diverse mitigation projects during the selection process. Though certainly not meant to be exclusive in any way, some potential project ideas are also included at the end of this document to further clarify JIO objectives.” Pg. 1
Ownership: Federal, State, Private-- Off-site mitigation is apparently considered on lands of all types of ownership.