University of Colorado at Boulder
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Citation Label: WY035
Publication Name: Record of Decision and Resource Management Plan Amendments for the Powder River Basin Oil and Gas Project
Publication Type: Land Use Plan / NEPA Document
Section Name:
Author Name: Bureau of Land Management
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Publication Year: 2003
Publication No.: BLM/WY/PL–03/016+1310
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Local Source File: WY035-PowderRiverBasinRecordofDecision.pdf
Annotation: This Record of Decision for the Powder River Basin Oil and Gas Project, approves the proposed amendments to the Buffalo and Platte River Resource Management plans. The plan amendments provide guidance for managing BLM administered oil and gas activities within the Powder River Basin in Campbell, Converse, Johnson, and Sheridan counties. Several appendices in this document include management practices.
Required vs.
"Mostly Required - Appendix A “Mitigation measures in Table A-2 that have not been adopted are shown with an asterisk, the remainder have been adopted. The numbering in the Table corresponds to the numbering in Chapter 4 of the FEIS. Some of those adopted, have been clarified based on comments received during the protest period. Some of the adopted mitigation measures shown in Table A-2, have been determined to be either Standard COA, Management Actions or Programmatic Mitigation.” Pg. A-5 Required – Appendix B – This appendix is an agreement between the parties Required – Appendix D “The following section describes the requirements for a Water Management Plan, which is needed for individual coal bed methane (CBM) well APDs or multiple well PODs.” Pg. D-1 Required – Appendix E – “This Appendix outlines the planning process for the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan (MMRP) for the Powder River Basin Oil and Gas Project Area. This document describes the basic components of the plan and steps involved in its implementation. ...There is uncertainty about the specifics of future development. Because of this uncertainty, a number of assumptions were necessary to predict the impacts associated with future development. Those assumptions may or may not be correct. Therefore, mitigation measures may need to be modified as development evolves. " Recommended - Appendix F: "Prevention and control of noxious weeds and weeds of concern should be incorporated into the design, layout and construction of access roads, pipelines, well locations and other facilities. ... Guidelines for IPM plan development are as follow..." Page F-1
Ownership: "Federal -- ""This document records the decision made by the BLM concerning the proposed plan amendments for managing oil and gas operations on BLM administered public lands and federal mineral estate in the Wyoming portion of the PRB as analyzed in the FEIS."" Pg. 1 ""Operations on Split Estate Lands The BLM, under FLPMA, must identify how the federal mineral estate will be managed, including identification of lease stipulations. To meet the consistency requirements of FLPMA, the same standards used for environmental protection of Federal surface are also applied to the federal mineral portion of split estate lands (private surface underlain by federal minerals). The impacts to surface resources and surface uses from BLM-authorized mineral development must be considered not only on BLM administered public lands but also on split-estate lands. The BLM also has the authority and responsibility to impose restrictions deriving from applicable law and regulation; implement stipulations developed through the Land U"