University of Colorado at Boulder
BMP of Oil and Gas Development

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You are viewing BMP records related to the Record of Decision and Resource Management Plan Amendments for the Powder River Basin Oil and Gas Project publication.

BMP ID Short Title Text of BMP
2383 Add mitigation measures if determined as necessary by BLM biologist "Additional mitigation measure may be necessary if the site-specific project is determined by a BLM biologist to have adverse effects to black-footed ...
2378 Add mitigation measures if determined as necessary by BLM biologist "Additional mitigation measures may be necessary if the site-specific project is determined by a BLM biologist to have adverse effects to bald eagles ...
2566 Address configuration of reshaped topography, drainage systems, and other surface manipulations in reclamation plans Coalbed Methane: Reclamation: "Phased reclamation plans will be submitted to BLM for approval prior to individualPOD facility abandonment via a ...
2567 Address configuration of reshaped topography, drainage systems, and other surface manipulations in reclamation plans Coalbed Methane: Reclamation: "Phased reclamation plans will be submitted to BLM for approval prior to individualPOD facility abandonment via a ...
2573 Address decommissioning/removal of surface facilities in reclamation plans Coalbed Methane: Reclamation: "Phased reclamation plans will be submitted to BLM for approval prior to individualPOD facility abandonment via a ...
2570 Address practices that reclaim and stabilize disturbed areas in reclamation plans Coalbed Methane: Reclamation: "Phased reclamation plans will be submitted to BLM for approval prior to individualPOD facility abandonment via a ...
2569 Address revegetation methods and soil treatments in reclamation plans Coalbed Methane: Reclamation: "Phased reclamation plans will be submitted to BLM for approval prior to individual POD facility abandonment via a ...
2568 Address waste disposal in reclamation plans Coalbed Methane: Reclamation: "Phased reclamation plans will be submitted to BLM for approval prior to individualPOD facility abandonment via a ...
2580 Applicant will bear costs associated with discovery of paleontological resources during operation Oil and Gas Well Development: General: "The applicant will bear the cost of any required paleontological appraisals, surface collection of fossils, ...
2695 Apply a condition of approval to treat mosquitoes for stagnant CBM discharge waters Surface Water: "The BLM will consult with appropriate state agencies regarding West Nile Virus. If determined to be necessary, a condition of ...
4278 Apply herbicides using certified commercial applicators "Control noxious weed and weeds of concern... Chemical c. All herbicides must be applied by certified commercial applicator(s)."
2697 Avoid areas of highly erosive soils Soils: "Areas of highly erosive soils will be avoided when drill sites, two-track access routes, and pipeline routes are surveyed and staked in order ...
2395 Avoid creating hunting perches or nest sites for avian predators within 0.5 mile of identified nesting areas "Creation of hunting perches or nest sites for avian predators within 0.5 mile of identified nesting areas will be avoided by burying powerlines, ...
4120 Avoid creation of hunting perches for avian predators within 0.5 mile of nesting areas Mountain Plover: "Creation of hunting perches or nest sites for avian predators within 0.5 mile of identified nesting areas will be avoided by ...
2407 Avoid crossing of wetland/riparian areas by linear features to extent practicable "Crossings of wetland/riparian areas by linear features, such as pipelines, roads, and power lines will be avoided to the extent practicable."
2380 Avoid prairie dog colonies whenever possible "Prairie dog colonies will be avoided wherever possible."
4102 Avoid prairie dog colonies wherever possible Black-footed Ferret: "Prairie dog colonies will be avoided wherever possible."
2688 Avoid running pipelines and access roads within floodplains or parallel to stream channel Surface Water: Channel Crossings: "Avoid running pipelines and access roads within floodplains or parallel to a stream channel."
2399 Avoid suitable habitat wherever possible "Suitable habitat will be avoided wherever possible."
4155 Avoid suitable habitat wherever possible Ute Ladies'-tresses Orchid: "Suitable habitat will be avoided wherever possible."
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