University of Colorado at Boulder
BMP of Oil and Gas Development

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You are viewing BMP records related to the Jonah Infill Drilling Project Record of Decision, Appendix A: Jonah Infill Drilling Project Administrative Requirements, Conditions of Approval, and Mitigation publication.

BMP ID Short Title Text of BMP
3753 Above ground facilities will not be located near active raptor nests "Well pads, access roads, and other aboveground facilities will not be located within 825 feet of an active raptor nest, within 1,000 feet of an ...
1042 Aboveground facilities will not be located near raptor nests "Well pads, access roads, and other aboveground facilities will not be located within 825 feet of an active raptor nest, within 1,000 feet of an ...
3747 All JIDPA operators shall provide the Authorized Officer the lease number and legal desription for all acres they operate. "Within six (6) months of the approval of the ROD, all JIDPA Operators shall provide the Authorized Officer the lease number and legal description ...
3798 All new development facilities will be placed at centralized locations "All new development and production facilities in the JIDPA will be placed at centralized locations to accommodate multiple wells... "
3765 All operators will comply with WDEQ established BAT standards "Operators will demonstrate by January 31 each year that emission reductions from the Jonah Infill Drilling Project will reduce the potential impact ...
3802 Analyze condensate collection "Analyses [of condensate collection] must be provided within one (1) year of the ROD [record of decision]."
3767 BLM may run an air dispersion model "Operators will demonstrate by January 31 each year that emission reductions from the Jonah Infill Drilling Project will reduce the potential impact ...
3771 BLM will consult with WDEQ-AQD, EPA, USFS, and NPS "If in the future air monitoring were to show ozone exceedances attributable at least in part to sources in the Jonah field, BLM will consult with ...
3772 BLM will continue to work cooperatively with WDEQ, EPA, USFS, and NPS "BLM will continue to work cooperatively with WDEQ, EPA, USFS, and NPS to maintain and enhance concentration, atmospheric deposition, and visibility ...
3768 BLM will rely on operators "Operators will demonstrate by January 31 each year that emission reductions from the Jonah Infill Drilling Project will reduce the potential impact ...
3770 BLM will review ozone data collected in the area "In cooperation with the JIO established under the ROD, BLM will review ozone data collected in the area."
3761 BLM will track numbers of wells, drill rigs, drilling emissions and compressor stations. "The BLM will work cooperatively with state and other federal agencies, and with industry, to track emissions in the Pinedale Field Office area. a. ...
3769 BLM's performance objective will be attained "Operators will demonstrate by January 31 each year that emission reductions...will reduce the potential impact to visibility as follows: f. BLM's ...
3799 Centralize existing development facilities "The Operators will centralize existing development and production facilities to the extent economically feasible."
3800 Centralized fracturing process will be required "Centralized fracturing processes will be required for all well pads when surface density is _ 1 well pad/40 acres, and recommended when well pad ...
3817 Certified design not required for cross-drain structures installed outside existing natural drainage courses "Cross-drain structures installed outside existing, natural drainage courses will not require certified civil engineer design."
2236 Compressor stations near leks. "Compressor stations will be sited at least 2.0 miles away from greater sage-grouse leks and no closer than 0.5 mile to an active raptor nest."
3752 Coordinate with the Authorized Officer and JIO to review and revise JWMPP "Operators will coordinate with the Authorized Officer and JIO to review and revise the Jonah Wildlife Monitoring and Protection Plan within 1 year ...
3790 Credit will be applied to the surface disturbance ceiling for operated acreages on an acre-for-acre basis "Credit will be applied to the surface disturbance ceiling for operated acreages on an acre-for-acre basis for areas the BLM considers to have met ...
1068 Develop wildlife habitat evaluations within 1 year of ROD "Wildlife habitat evaluations using Habitat Evaluation Procedures (HEP) and Habitat Suitability Indices (HSI) for appropriate species will be ...
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