University of Colorado at Boulder
BMP of Oil and Gas Development

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You are viewing BMP records related to the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, Practice and Procedure, 2 CCR 404-1, Final Draft Rules 11 07 08, 600-SERIES SAFETY REGULATIONS publication.

BMP ID Short Title Text of BMP
2355 A well must be a minimum distance of 150 feet from a surface property line, except with a waiver. "a. Statewide setbacks. Subparagraph (1) below shall apply to all areas of the state except as provided under subparagraphs b. and e. of this rule. ...
2487 Adequate blowout prevention equipment must be used on all well servicing operations. "(5) A. BOPE for well servicing operations. Adequate blowout prevention equipment shall be used on all well servicing operations. B. Backup stabbing ...
2498 All leasehold roads must accommodate local emergency vehicle access requirements. "(14) Access roads. If a wellsite falls within a high density area at the time of construction, all leasehold roads shall be constructed to ...
2508 All pipe fittings and well control equipment must have a working pressure rating. "i....Well control equipment and other safety requirements are:(4) All pipe fittings, valves and unions placed on or connected with blowout ...
2520 All stacks, vents, or openings must have screens to prevent wildlife entry. "b. Fired Vessel, Heater-Treater. (7) All stacks, vents, or other openings shall be equipped with screens or other appropriate equipment to prevent ...
2519 At installation, fired vessels and heater treaters must be 200 feet from occupied buildings. "b. Fired Vessel, Heater-Treater. (5) At the time of installation, fired vessels and heater treaters shall be a minimum of two hundred (200) feet ...
2518 At installation, tanks must be a minimum of 200 feet from any occupied buildings. "a. Crude Oil and Condensate Tanks. (3) At the time of installation, tanks shall be a minimum of two hundred (200) feet from any building unit."
2521 At time of construction, pits must be located at least 200 feet from any building unit. "f. Produced water pits, special use and buried or partially buried vessels, or structures. At the time of initial construction, pits shall be ...
2482 Blowout prevention equipment includes: Rig with Kelly. "(4) A. Blowout preventer equipment ("BOPE" ) for high density area drilling operations. Blowout prevention equipment for drilling operations shall ...
2483 Blowout prevention equipment includes: Rig without Kelly. "(4)... Blowout prevention equipment for drilling operations shall consist of (at a minimum): ii. Rig without Kelly. Double ram with blind ram and ...
2507 Blowout prevention equipment must be inspected daily. "i.... Well control equipment and other safety requirements are: (3) While in service, blowout prevention equipment shall be inspected daily and a ...
2509 Blowout prevention equipment must contain pipe rams that enable closure on the pipe being used. "i.... Well control equipment and other safety requirements are:(5) Blowout prevention equipment shall contain pipe rams that enable closure on the ...
2506 Blowout prevention is required by Rule 317 to be in accordance with API RP: 53. "i.... Well control equipment and other safety requirements are: (2) Blowout prevention equipment when required by Rule 317 shall be in accordance ...
2484 BOPE testing for high density area drilling operations. "B. BOPE testing for high density area drilling operations. Upon initial rig-up and at least once every thirty (30) days during drilling operations ...
2486 Closed chamber drill stem tests are allowed in high density areas. "D. Drill stem tests. Closed chamber drill stem tests shall be allowed in high density areas. All other drill stem tests shall require approval by ...
2494 Construct berms to contain and provide secondary containment "(12) Berm construction. Berms or other secondary containment devices in high density areas shall be constructed around crude oil, condensate, and ...
2490 Control of fire hazards. "(8) Control of fire hazards. Any material not in use that might constitute a fire hazard shall be removed a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet from ...
2501 Development from existing well pads. "(17) Development from existing well pads. Where possible, operators shall provide for the development of multiple reservoirs by drilling on existing ...
2513 Drilling contractors must place a sign at point of intersection between public and rig roads. "i.... Well control equipment and other safety requirements are: (9) Drilling contractors shall place a sign or marker at the point of intersection ...
2476 Each employee must have his job outlined and explained. "a. Employees shall be familiarized with these rules and regulations as provided herein as they relate to their function in their respective jobs. ...
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