University of Colorado at Boulder
BMP of Oil and Gas Development

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You are viewing BMP records related to the Coal Bed Methane Primer: New Source of Natural Gas publication.

BMP ID Short Title Text of BMP
75 Avoid putting roads and facilities in sensitive areas "When drilling sites are located in or at the head of drainages, drill sites and access roads may add sediment to streams and wetlands. Channel ...
74 Avoid riparian vegetation and sensitive habitats protected under stipulations "Sensitive habitats including wetlands and some riparian areas are also protected from direct disturbance under current stipulations on BLM land that ...
1105 Begin reclamation immediately "Reclamation of disturbed wetland/riparian areas will begin immediately after project activities are complete."
82 Begin reclamation of wetland/riparian areas immediately after project is complete "Reclamation of disturbed wetland/riparian areas will begin immediately after project activities are complete."
1962 Bury electric lines "In situations where pole-mounted lines are the only feasible or best option, the use of raptor safe poles should be incorporated into the mitigation ...
77 Construct crossing perpendicular to wetland/riparian areas "Where water crossings cannot be avoided, crossings will be constructed perpendicular to wetland/riparian areas, where practical."
1110 Construct crossings perpendicular to wetland/riparian areas "Where water crossings cannot be avoided, crossings will be constructed perpendicular to wetland/riparian areas, where practical."
1122 Develop steep slopes appropriately "Areas with steep topography will be developed in accordance with the BLM Gold Book (USDI and USDA 1989) requirements."
79 Disturb wetland areas only during dry conditions or when ground is frozen "Wetland areas will be disturbed only during dry conditions or when the ground is frozen during the winter."
80 Do not deposit waste material below high water lines "No waste material will be deposited below high water lines in riparian areas, flood plains, or in natural drainage ways."
1127 Immediately reseed disturbed soil "In situations where vegetative removal is necessary, reseeding should be performed immediately after development or when possible, during ...
1132 Impound produced water for future use "Another management option for produced water is impoundment use. The impoundment of CBM water is the placement of water produced during operations ...
1116 Line fluid pits "If groundwater is encountered in shallow or near shallow surface materials during drilling, all onsite fluid pits will be lined."
81 Locate drilling mud pits outside of riparian areas, wetlands and floodplains "Drilling mud pits will be located outside of riparian areas, wetlands, and floodplains, where practical."
1102 Monitor stream channel "Stream channel monitoring for erosion, degradation, and riparian health is required by BLM on an annual basis, which includes surveying stream ...
1117 No construction during wet/muddy conditions "Construction activities will be restricted during wet or muddy conditions."
1106 No mud pits in riparian/wetland/floodplain area "Drilling mud pits will be located outside of riparian areas, wetlands, and floodplains, where practical."
1104 No surface occupancy near water bodies/floodplain "Stipulations related to aquatic resources include a prohibition on the surface occupancy or use of water bodies and streams, within the 100-year ...
1103 No surface occupancy on steep slopes "Surface occupancy is also prohibited on slopes exceeding 30 degrees to prevent excessive soil erosion, slope failure, and mass wasting, all of which ...
1107 No waste material below high water line "No waste material will be deposited below high water lines in riparian areas, flood plains, or in natural drainage ways.."
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