University of Colorado at Boulder
BMP of Oil and Gas Development

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You are viewing BMP records related to the Reducing Onshore Natural Gas and Oil Exploration and Production Impacts Using a Broad-Based Stakeholder Approach: Adverse Impact Reduction Handbook publication.

BMP ID Short Title Text of BMP
8313 A lek within 3.2 km of a producing well is in a disturbed area, one greater than 3.2km - area of no disturbance Research Needs and Recommendations: Defining Disturbed and Non-Disturbed Areas to Evaluate the Effects on Leks: "a lek located ≤ 3.2 km (2 mi) ...
8306 A location should be considered an active lek if it is attended by three or more male grouse during at least one count in a given year Research Needs and Recommendations: The Database Definition of an Active or Inactive Lek: "A location should be considered an active lek if it is ...
8319 A new project could require one or more NSR air permits Air Pollution Challenges and Barriers to Domestic Onshore Oil and Gas Development: Regulations and Permits: "NSR [New Source Review] permits are ...
8340 A source of emissions could be required to obtain both a preconstruction permit and a Title V operating permit Air Pollution Challenges and Barriers to Domestic Onshore Oil and Gas Development: Regulations and Permits: "Depending on the state, a source [of ...
8312 Account for abandoned dry holes and plugged and abandoned producers when assessing a well database Research Needs and Recommendations: Evaluation of Oil and Gas Well Development History: "When assessing a well database, it is recommended that ...
8178 Active and inactive definitions for lek complexes should be developed and tracked for trends over time by lek complex size category Analysis of Population Estimate methods and Impacts in Areas with Energy Development: Discussion of Available Data - Montana and Wyoming Databases: ...
8286 Active leks that have become inactive also require annual monitoring. Analysis of Population Estimate Methods and Impacts in Areas with Energy Development: Annual Monitoring Program: "active leks that have become ...
7202 Add a supply of water to farm and ranch operations "Other low impact practices: Add[] a supply of water to farm and ranch operations in the southeast portion of the basin."
7066 Address drainage adjacent to roads "Road and Utility Corridors: Design standard: [A]ddress[] [d]rainage adjacent to roads in the design stage through the use of culverts, bridges, ...
8351 Adhere to manufacturers' operation and maintenance requirements Solutions and Prudent Management Practices: Equipment Upgrades: Compressor Engines: "Adherence to manufacturers' operation and maintenance ...
7213 Adjust grazing season in intense livestock grazing areas "Passive Technique: Restore Greater Sage-grouse habitat: [I]mprove the structure and function of sagebrush habitat in areas with intense livestock ...
8317 Administer federal and state sponsored greater sage-grouse programs responsible for acquiring survey data Conclusions and Recommendations: Recommendations: "federal and state sponsored greater sage-grouse programs responsible for acquiring survey data (or ...
8341 Air regulations include a provision requiring that new or amended permits be submitted and approved before any construction/operations begin Air Pollution Challenges and Barriers to Domestic Onshore Oil and Gas Development: Regulations and Permits: "Air regulations include a provision ...
8381 An operator must distinguish the capabilities that the EMS solution absolutely must include Solutions and Prudent Management Practices: Improved Operational Practices: Tracking Permits and Facilities: "an operator must distinguish the ...
6907 Anaylze TA locations prior to plugging or reclamation "Premature plugging and reclamation of TA [Temporarily Abandoned] locations: [Analyze] existing TA locations [] for potential re-use prior to ...
7236 Annual Lek Survey recommended for private land "Greater sage-grouse protection: [B]ecause of the ongoing public concern for the greater sage-grouse and thepolitical nature of the issue, it is ...
7238 Annual survey recommended or required for active greater sage-grouse leks "On public lands proposed for oil and gas development, annual surveys of active greater sage-grouse leks (including sharp-tailed grouse) are ...
8285 Annual surveys of active grouse leks are recommended or required on public lands Analysis of Population Estimate Methods and Impacts in Areas with Energy Development: Annual Monitoring Program: "On public lands proposed for oil ...
8318 Any state with delegated responsibility for a non-attainment area must develop a State Implementation Plan Primer on Air Quality Issues: Air Regulations: Clean Air Act: "Any state with delegated responsibility for a non-attainment area (see source document ...
6896 Apply water to road and construction area "Roads/access/utilities: [] manage[] [dust] during construction by applying water to roads and construction areas when bare soil was present."
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