University of Colorado at Boulder
BMP of Oil and Gas Development

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You are viewing BMP records related to the Wildlife Society Bulletin 2000, 28(4): 967, Guidelines to manage sage grouse populations and their habitats publication.

BMP ID Short Title Text of BMP
1971 Avoid land degradation "Avoid land-use practices that reduce soil moisture effectiveness, increase erosion, cause invasion of exotic plants, and reduce abundance and ...
1970 Make structures visible to flying grouse "Increase the visibility of fences and other structures occurring within 1 km of seasonal ranges by flagging or similar means if these structures ...
1967 No facilities near lek "Energy related facilities should be located >3.2 km from active leks whenever possible."
1969 Raptor perch prevention "Avoid building powerlines and other tall structures that provide perch sites for raptors within 3 km of seasonal habitats. If these structures must ...
1972 Spring restoratoin "Whenever possible, modify developed springs and other water sources to restore natural freeflowing water and wet meadow habitats."
1966 Timing restrictions "Adjust timing of energy exploration, development, and construction activity to minimize disturbance of sage grouse breeding activities."
1968 Timing restrictions on human activity near lek "Human activities within view of or <0.5 km from leks should be minimized during the early morning and late evening when birds are near or on leks."
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