University of Colorado at Boulder
BMP of Oil and Gas Development

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You are viewing BMP records related to the Implementing a Well-Structured and Robust Public Consulation and Disclosure Plan Utilizing Innovative Communication Techniques publication.

BMP ID Short Title Text of BMP
8430 A grievance mechanism to address affected communities' concerns and complaints is an important pillar of the stakeholder engagement process Grievance Mechanism: "Use a grievance mechanism to engage affected stakeholders, since it creates opportunities for industry and communities to ...
8438 A key method of presenting updated project information is through the creation of project information posters Posters: "To present updated project information create project information posters addressing relevant project information. Present posters along ...
8435 Consider creating project information documents Project Information Documents and Community Newsletters: Consider producing a "Company Project Information Document (PID)...for distribution among ...
8436 Consider developing a community newsletter Project Information Documents and Community Newsletters: Consider developing a community newsletter that provides project information in a more ...
8421 Consider socioeconomic and other factors about a community to determine the most effective modes of communication and consultation Stakeholder Analyses: Socioeconomic Profile: Consider socioeconomic and other factors about a community to determine the most effective modes of ...
8437 Create a series of visually attractive worksheets to accompany the use of theatre in the Schools Programme as awareness technique Schools Programme Material: "Use a series of visually attractive worksheets to supplement the use of theatre in the Schools Programme as an awareness ...
8439 Create information leaflets with photos and focused messages. The community liaison team should design, test for understanding by community, etc Awareness Material: "Design information leaflets with photos and focused messages, test for understanding by community members, adapt and explain at ...
8422 Effective and innovative communication techniques and messages are important tools for stakeholder engagement and information disclosure Effective and Innovative Communication Techniques: "Engage stakeholders with effective and innovative communication. It is a means of sharing ...
8426 High level open houses and press conferences are effective ways of communicating with, and informing stakeholders of project details Effective and Innovative Communication Techniques: High Level Open Houses and Press Conferences: "The public consultation techniques and activities ...
8432 In addition to gathering data on economic activities, land use and livelihoods, communities were informed about the planned project activities Focus Group Meetings and Needs Assessments: "In addition to gathering data on economic activities, land use and livelihoods, inform communities in a ...
8431 Public consultation may also provide project sponsors with signifiant opportunities to benefit people living in the proposed project areas Focus Group Meetings and Needs Assessments: "In addition to the advantages for the project, public consultation may provide project sponsors with ...
8420 Stakeholder assessments are an important step to take before preparing or revising a public participation strategy Stakeholder Analyses: "[Use a] public consultation processes which [is] socially and culturally appropriate, sensitive and accessible to all ...
8433 The Company continuously involves communities and government in designing projects and making decisions about how community development funds are used Focus Group Meetings and Needs Assessments: "Involve communities in the decision-making process on how public funds will be used. Undertake focus ...
8423 The most important consideration in developing stakeholder messages is to determine who the message is for and the expected stakeholder reaction Effective and Innovative Communication Techniques: "Implementing the PCDP and PCDPA utilizing stakeholder engagement and information disclosure ...
8424 Use information gathered concerning the affected communities including their level of comprehension of project to structure communication techniques Effective and Innovative Communication Techniques: "Throughout the project, a great deal of experience, research and information about the affected ...
8425 Village/community open houses are effective ways of communicating with, and informing stakeholders of project details Effective and Innovative Communication Techniques: Village Open Houses: "The public consultation techniques and activities have been used to ...
8434 Written information was often used to supplement the key messages delivered utilizing various stakeholder engagement and information methods Written Materials: "Use written information to supplement the key messages delivered utilizing the stakeholder engagement and information disclosure ...
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