University of Colorado at Boulder
BMP of Oil and Gas Development

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BMP ID: 2348
Title: Proper labeling of markers with specific details
Text: "c. Marking. (2) The following shall be written legibly on a background of sharply contrasting color on each line marker: "Warning", "Caution" or "Danger" followed by the words "gas (or name of natural gas or petroleum transported) pipeline" in letters at least one (1) inch high with one-quarter (¼) inch stroke and the name of the operator and the telephone number where the operator can be reached at all times."
Source Publication Name: Recommendations for Development of Oil and Gas Resources within Crucial and Important Wildlife Habitats
Citation Page: 1102(c)(2)
Supplemental Documents:  
Usage Type: Required
Timing: • Production / Operation / Maintenance
Oil / Gas Field:  
Surface Ownership: • Federal
• State
• Private
Mineral Ownership: • Federal
• State
• Private
Primary Contact: Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission Main Office
1120 Lincoln Street, Suite 801
Denver, Colorado  80203  United States
Phone:(303) 894-2100     Alt. Phone:(303) 888-1101
Fax:(303) 894-2109     E-mail: 
Alternate Contact:  
Categories: Human Health and Safety
Location: Colorado
Vegetation Types:
General Comments:
Cost-Benefit Analysis:
BMP Efficacy:
Date Entered: 2009-02-17 12:28 UTC
Last Updated: 2010-09-13 07:58 UTC