University of Colorado at Boulder
BMP of Oil and Gas Development

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BMP ID: 6182
Title: Using cuttings for wetlands restoration
Text: "Reuse of Cuttings: Restoration of Wetlands using cuttings: Another new application for drilling wastes involves using them as a substrate for restoring coastal wetlands."
Source Publication Name: Drilling Waste Management Information System
Citation Section: Technology Descriptions: Fact Sheet - Drilling Practices That Minimize Generation of Drilling Wastes
Citation Page:
Supplemental Documents:  
Usage Type: Recommended
Timing: • Drilling
Oil / Gas Field:  
Surface Ownership: • Federal
• State
• Private
Mineral Ownership: • Federal
• State
• Private
Primary Contact: Argonne National Laboratory
Phone:     Alt. Phone:
Fax:     E-mail: 
Alternate Contact: National Energy Technology Laboratory
Phone:     Alt. Phone:
Fax:     E-mail: 
Categories: Vegetation
Land Surface Disturbance
Aquatic and Riparian Values
Location: General / Federal
Vegetation Types:
General Comments:
Cost-Benefit Analysis:
BMP Efficacy: “The DOE funded several projects to test the feasibility of treating cuttings and using them to help restore damaged wetlands in Louisiana…The results [of greenhouse mesocosm experiments] indicated that properly treated cuttings grew wetlands vegetation as well as the dredged material [the typical substrate used in wetlands restoration operations].” “Neither the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers nor the EPA would issue a permit to conduct a field demonstration of the approach. To date, no field demonstrations of this promising waste management approach have been tried in the United States or elsewhere, but it is likely that over the next decade the approach will be tested somewhere.”
Date Entered: 2009-08-19 11:50 UTC
Last Updated: 2010-02-21 12:38 UTC