Short Title |
Text of BMP |
2529 |
Cedar Mountain SRMA: Protection of recreational and educational opportunities" |
"No Surface Occupancy: 12. Cedar Mountain SRMA: Protection of recreational and educational opportunities, and scenic values." |
2535 |
Controlled Surface Use stipulations will be attached to appropriate leases. |
"Controlled Surface Use: 1. A Controlled Surface Use stipulation will be attached to leases where operations proposed within the area of an approved ... |
2527 |
Cross mountain Canyon ACEC: Protection of sensitive plants and recreation |
"No Surface Occupancy: 10. Cross mountain Canyon ACEC: Protection of sensitive plants, endangered species, scenic and recreational values." |
2642 |
Exploration will not be permitted on sheep lambing grounds during lambing activity. |
"Lease Notices: 4. Exploration (including seismic exploration, drilling, or other development or production activity) will generally not be allowed ... |
2536 |
Fragile Soil Areas |
"Controlled Surface Use: 2. Fragile Soil Areas. Prior to surface disturbance of fragile soils, it must be demonstrated to the Authorized officer ... |
2532 |
Greater Sandhill Crane nesting areas |
"Timing Limitation Stipulations: 4. Greater Sandhill Crane nesting and staging habitat areas - March 1 to October 16[Stip. Code: Co-16]." |
2538 |
Irish Canyon ACEA: Inventory for sensitive plant and remnant vegetation associations. |
"Performance Objectives: 5. Irish Canyon ACEC. Inventory for sensitive plant and remnant vegetation associations will be required. Sensitive plants ... |
2526 |
Limestone Ridge ACEC: Protection of remnant plant associations |
"No Surface Occupancy: 9. Limestone Ridge ACEC: Protection of remnant plant associations and sensitive plant species, and scenic values." |
2528 |
Little Yampa/Juniper Canyon SRMA: Protection of flatwater boating opportunities |
"No Surface Occupancy: 11. Little Yampa/Juniper Canyon SRMA: Protection of flatwater boating opportunities and scenic values." |
2539 |
Lookout Mountain ACEC: Inventory for sensitive plant and remnant vegetation associations. |
"Performance Objectives: 6. Lookout Mountain ACEC. Inventory for sensitive plant and remnant vegetation associations will be required. Sensitive ... |
2534 |
No drilling or development within one-mile radius of locations listed. |
"Timing Limitation Stipulations: 15. No drilling or development operations activity would be permitted within a one-mile radius of the location ... |
2643 |
No surface-disturbance activities will be allowed that alter the prairie dog complex. |
"Lease Notices: 5. Prairie dog complexes are being evaluated to determine their habitat suitability for potential reintroduction of the federally ... |
2524 |
Operator must provide accurate location of casing and coal interception. |
"No Surface Occupancy: 1.... This stipulation may be waived without a plan amendment if the lessee agrees that the drilling of a well will be subject ... |
2531 |
Pearl Lake State Park: Protection of recreation and scenic values. |
"No Surface Occupancy: 14. Pearl Lake State Park: Protection of recreational and scenic values." |
2522 |
Plugged well when mine is within 500 feet and re-entered upon completion of mining. |
"No Surface Occupancy: 1. No Surface Occupancy (NSO) would be allowed on leases within the area of federally leased coal lands where oil and gas ... |
2525 |
Relocate well into a permanent pillar or outside the area to be mined. |
"No Surface Occupancy:(2) relocate well into a permanent pillar or outside the area to be mined. A suspension of operations and production will be ... |
2530 |
Steamboat Lake State Park: Protection of recreational and scenic values |
"No Surface Occupancy: 13. Steamboat Lake State Park: Protection of recreational and scenic values." |
2523 |
Well must be plugged in accordance with Mine Safety and health Administration. |
"No Surface Occupancy: 1.... This stipulation may be waived without a plan amendment if the lessee agrees that the drilling of a well will be subject ... |
2533 |
White Pelican nesting and feeding areas. |
"Timing Limitation Stipulations: 5. White Pelican nesting and feeding habitat areas - March 16 to September 30 [Stip. Code: CO-17]." |