University of Colorado at Boulder
BMP of Oil and Gas Development

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You are viewing BMP records related to the Atlantic Rim Natural Gas Field Final Environmental Impact Statement, Appendix J: Best Management Practices for Reducing Non-Point Source Pollution publication.

BMP ID Short Title Text of BMP
4141 Abandoned road reclamation would require reshaping, recontouring, and resurfacing "Developed or Designed Roads: Reclamation of abandoned roads would include requirements for reshaping, recontouring, resurfacing with topsoil, ...
2641 Accomplish reclamation as soon as possible after disturbance; continue efforts until site is stabilized "Reclamation: All reclamation is expected to be accomplished as soon as possible after the disturbance occurs, with efforts continuing until a ...
3825 Address soil conservation during initial phases of disturbance "Soil conservation should be addressed during the initial phase of any surface disturbing action, thereby maintaining soil productivity and stability ...
2736 Adhere to allowed control measures "Reclamation: Control measures would adhere to those allowed in the RFO Noxious Weed Control and Commercial Site Vegetation Control Environmental ...
4153 All crossings should consider the failure of the crossing during flows beyond the design capacity "Developed or Designed Roads: Methods for designing road crossings: All crossings should consider the failure of the crossing during flows beyond the ...
2639 All reclamation will conform to BLM policy "Reclamation: All reclamation needs to conform to BLM reclamation policy (USDI-BLM 1990)."
2553 Allotment plans should include BMPs most appropriate for the area "Grazing BMPs: Allotment management plans, conservation plans or similar documents should contain a list of the BMPs most appropriate for the area."
4290 Allow for unrestricted passage of flow and sediment from smaller storms "Developed or Designed Roads: Methods for designing road crossings: In general, crossings designed to pass 100 year design storms would in most cases ...
1446 Apply flood protection measures in floodplains "[EO11988] states that [if] facilities are to be located in a floodplain (i.e., when there is no practicable alternative), agencies shall ensure that ...
1465 Avoid steep slopes "Some examples of standards applied throughout the Field Office area based on soil management criteria are as follows: Avoiding disturbance on ...
2730 Backfill to preconstruction condition "Reclamation: Backfilling to preconstruction condition (in a similar sequence and density) would be required."
3821 BLM policy assumes that an area can ultimately be reclaimed "The Wyoming BLM policy on reclamation assumes that an area can and shall be ultimately reclaimed, and requires that every surface disturbance on ...
4291 Bridges, low-water crossings, culverts, and bottomless culverts simulate natural stream processes "Developed or Designed Roads: Methods for designing road crossings: Crossing designs that simulate natural stream processes and provide unrestricted ...
1451 Build herbicide loading sites 500 feet from water "Herbicide loading sites would be located at least 500 feet from live water, floodplains, riparian areas, and all special status plant locations."
1453 Burn gorges with drainages leaving unburned patches of vegetation "The inner gorge of intermittent and ephemeral drainages should be burned in such a manner as to leave unburned patches of vegetation."
4296 Bury culvert bottoms into streambeds at certain heights at the outlet and the inlet "Developed or Designed Roads: Methods for designing road crossings: Design criteria specific to the Active Channel Design Option include: Embedment - ...
4293 Choose Active Channel Design Option if slope is less than 3 percent, culvert less than 100 feet in length, and passage for aquatic species is required "Developed or Designed Roads: Methods for designing road crossings: Where new or replacement culvert designs are chosen for crossings of active ...
4292 Choose design after considering hydrologic conditions, soil erodibility, road utilization, and aquatic species presence "Developed or Designed Roads: Methods for designing road crossings: The appropriate design should be chosen after careful consideration of local ...
2634 Close pits and excavations by backfilling and contouring "Well Pads and Facilities: All excavations and pits should be closed by backfilling and contouring to conform to surrounding terrain."
1455 Close roads during saturated soil conditions "Some examples of standards applied throughout the Field Office area based on soil management criteria are as follows: Individual road closures due ...
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