Resources for Communities
Websites and Reports
- OSHA, Safety and Health topics:
- NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards:
- FracFocus Chemical Disclosure Registry:
- Modern Shale Gas Development in the United States: A Primer:
- Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission:
- Analysis of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials in Drill Cuttings, Greater Wattenberg Field, Weld County Colorado:
- Southwest Pennsylvania Environmental Health Project:
- Shale Gas Development in Ohio:
- Chemicals Used in Hydraulic Fracturing:
- Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry ToxFAQs:
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) eTool for oil and gas extraction workers:
RESOLVE’s Solutions Network
RESOLVE’s Solutions Network, launched in October 2010, works to mobilize leaders in business and civil society to incubate and test ideas and turn them into self-sustaining environmental, social, and health solutions. The network consulted with a multi-stakeholder working group to create the Community Health and Shale Development Guidebook. The goal is for health officials, community members and industry representatives to use this guidebook to 1) gain a basic factual understanding of the potential health issues, 2) easily access in-depth resources from a variety of perspectives, and 3) learn about some options for responding to challenges. The guidebook is organized by both project stage and the typical questions that community stakeholders might have. It also includes case examples in which companies and communities have worked together to find solutions to community concerns. This dynamic guidebook, is to be updated as new information and case studies emerge.