University of Colorado at Boulder
BMP of Oil and Gas Development

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BMP ID: 1207
Title: Plan required for surface-disturbing activities on steep slopes
Text: Alternative F (Preferred Alternative): Controlled Surface Use: Soils/Steep Slopes: Condition of Approval: "Prior to surface-disturbing activities on slopes 30% and greater or on slopes 20% and greater with severely erosive and/or slumping soils, a certified engineering and reclamation plan must be approved by the authorized officer. . . . The operator must also provide an evaluation of past practices on similar terrain and be able to demonstrate success under similar conditions." See the supplemental document for components of the plan.
Source Publication Name: Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument Proposed Resource Management Plan and Final Environmental Impact Statement
Citation Section: Appendix O.1: Oil and Gas Lease Stipulations and Conditions of Approval
Citation Page: 1350
Supplemental Documents: Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument Proposed Resource Management Plan and Final Environmental Impact Statement
Usage Type: Recommended
Timing: • Planning / Environmental Review
• Construction / Siting / Design
• Drilling
• Production / Operation / Maintenance
Oil / Gas Field: Leroy, Sherard and Sawtooth Mountain Gas Fields
Surface Ownership: • Federal
Mineral Ownership: • Federal
Primary Contact: BLM - Lewistown Field Office
920 Northeast Main, P.O. Box 1160
Lewiston, Montana  59457  United States
Phone:(406) 538-1900     Alt. Phone:
Fax:     E-mail: 
Alternate Contact:  
Categories: Land Surface Disturbance
Soils (Conservation, Pollution, Reclamation)
Location: Montana
Vegetation Types:
General Comments:
Cost-Benefit Analysis:
BMP Efficacy:
Date Entered: 2009-02-04 13:40 UTC
Last Updated: 2011-02-14 15:18 UTC